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WEEK: April 27th - April 29th 2020 


Here you will find videos and images so you can learn more about the process of photosynthesis. They will also help you to carry out your activities for each day. remember to turn on the subtitles.

La actividad de práctica a realizar debe ser enviada para su revisión a más tardar el día jueves 30 de abril. LAS FOTOS DEL PROYECTO DE GERMINACIÒN DEBE SER ENVIADO A LOS 15 DÌAS DE SU ASIGNACIÒN- 13 DE MAYO,

Let's sing!

Let's watch the video!

April 27th


Let's practice!

April 28th

1. Read the page 19 and answer on your notebook the question 1 and 2 of the Checkpoint section.

2.Reading comprehension

My germination experiment

April 29th

Let's watch the videos!

Materials needed for germination science experiment.

1. Lab coat.

2. Plastic cup.

3. Cotton or paper towel.

4. Water.

5. Seeds (beans).



1. Fill the plastic cup with cotton or paper towel.

2. Gently water the cup to wet the cotton or the paper towels.  DO NOT FLOOD IT!

3. Carefully push seeds down into the paper towels or cotton around the edge of the cup so they can still be seen.

4. Keep the cotton moist but not use too much water.

5. Take photos during the process of germination (15 days) and send it to your teacher e-mail on 13th may.




Great, you did a good job!

Have a nice weekend!

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